Indonesia is a country known for having a very abundant natural attractions, the area stretching from west to east, from Sabang to Merauke. So was fitting of you who live in this country feel grateful that Indonesia is one country with the best scenery in the world. Why is that? If you have time and opportunity, time to travel to the central Indonesian island of Sulawesi, exactly to the southeast, where there are islands which is famous Wakatobi Marine National Park.

You need to know, Wakatobi National Park is the largest marine conservation area in the world (marine conservation area) has an area of ​​1.390.000ha, amazing is not it? 

Wakatobi archipelago since July 31, 1996 through Decree of the Minister of Forestry No 393/KTps-VI/1996 designated as Marine National Park area by the name of Wakatobi Marine National Park. With that determination, Wakatobi in 1997 was divided into five zones: core zone (683,500 ha), Protected Zone (160,500 ha), Use Zone (70,000 ha), Traditional Use Zone (300,500 ha), and Rehabilitation Zone (175,000 ha), and National Park there is the group of islands, and one of them is the island of Hoga, the island with views under the water is so stunning.

This national park has 25 pieces with clusters of coral reefs around the coast of coral islands along the 600 km. More than 112 coral species from 13 families including Acropora formosa, A. hyacinthus, Psammocora profundasafla, Pavona cactus, Leptoseris yabei, Fungia molucensis, Lobophyllia robusta, Merulina ampliata, Platygyra versifora, Euphyllia glabrescens, Tubastraea frondes, Stylophora pistillata, throchelliophorum Sarcophyton, and Sinularia spp.

Wakatobi Islands are also famous with the name of the Tukang Besi Islands. As the name implies, Tukang Besi, this archipelago is famous for making beautiful traditional dagger and remained in production until now. These islands have a natural pristine, quiet with fresh sea water, underwater caves adjacent to each other that are served exclusively for true nature lovers.

To get to the island of Hoga sea you can travel from the capital city of Kendari Southeast Sulawesi with some alternatives, namely: Kendari Island to Hoga Island via Wangi-Wangi Island (Wanci Island), with a timber ship that departed from the port of Kendari 2 times a week. ± 15 hours of travel time or Kendari to Bau-Bau (Buton island) via Raha (Mona Island) by speed boat (± 4 h) followed by a boat ride to the island Wanci with timber ships (± 3 hours) or a speed boat charter (± 4 hours directly to the island of Hoga). Do not worry, to stay on the island of Hoga there are many simple lodging with an average price of IDR. 50,000 to IDR. 80,000 per night.

The beauty of the island of Hoga is a natural atmosphere that is still very pristine beaches, rows of palm trees, clean white sand is just a piece of the natural beauty of this island has to offer. Hoga Island is also famous for its crystal clear sea, so do not be surprised when you set foot on the beach, your eyes will be treated to views of small fish, colorful swimming-pool on the outskirts of the beach, even so crystal clear sea water on the island so as will you will feel like seeing the fish swimming inside a giant aquarium .. haha, definitely this will be very refreshing your eyes.

By the way, if you want to feel the sensation of the beauty beneath the sea, this is the best place. The beauty of the underwater Hoga will really make you spellbound, and therefore for those who have peratan dive, do not forget to bring the equipment because the island is a paradise for sports enthusiasts panoramic sea diving and snorkeling. No wonder when underwater Hoga island is known as one of the dreams of diving locations.

Fish species richness of this national park which is owned as many as 93 species of fish consumption and trade of ornamental fish such as Argus spots (Cephalopholus argus), takhasang (naso unicornis), pogo-pogo (Balistoides viridescens), napoleon (Cheilinus undulatus), red fish (Lutjanus biguttatus ), baronang (Siganus guttatus), Amphiprion melanopus, Chaetodon specullum, Chelmon rostratus, Heniochus acuminatus, Lutjanus monostigma, Caesio caerularea, and others, also that are excellent divers are several types of coral reefs that exist in this Hoga island, between Other types of soft corals (soft coral) are seen among others Sarcophyton throcheliophorum, sinularia and other types.

For those of you who have not advanced diving dive you can follow the guidance of one of the managers there are of course diving tours can be found at a reasonable price or at least you can still swim on the coast with a variety of beautiful fish around you .. wow .. would be a wonderful experience in your life.

Given the clear sea water in this island many of the tourists who come to the island of Hoga intentionally hire a boat to be able to see marine life from the boat. There also are just sunbathe and enjoy the beach scenery, because at certain seasons they can watch the turtle community that normally would go up to the mainland sand beach to lay eggs. 

Not only that, for you are a fan of sea food dishes or seafood, Hoga island also offers typical dishes that you've probably never seen before. If the usual seafood is fried, baked or boiled, the population on the island of Hoga have other ways to cook seafood. The trick is, meat fish that is clean and without blood, soaked in lime solution for up to 15 minutes, the name of this dish is a fight, or a kind of island-style shusi Hoga. In addition to fish fight, there's more typical dishes Hoga Island, no less tasty. Shells are soft white sand spread, local people call it Buli-buli. This pan-fried scallops with fried onion mixture and shrimp paste. make this dish a very distinctive and very tasty. You want to try?

In April until there June and October to December is a good month to visit the area, because the weather was very nice and suitable for the dive. Meanwhile, if you like surfing, July through September may be more appropriate, because the month is very high and perfect waves for surfing.

OK .. Start your tour schedule this year to the island of Hoga. Enjoy the new holiday atmosphere with the sensation of the natural beauty of the seas of Indonesia on the island of Hoga.

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